Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nike Sales Promotion and Personal Sell

The methods Nike use for people to purchase their products majorly fall into the category of Sales Promotion. During major Holidays,Nike sometimes give out Coupons that can be used on their online store.The "Black Friday" Event is when Nike mostly gives out coupons since customers of Nike products usually are less reluctant in spending a lot of money. Nike have recently held a bunch of Contests and Sweepstakes in order to boost traffic and sales of and their products. The "I Got This" contest was held in promotion of Kobe Bryant new "Aston Martin Hyperdunk+Kobe IV" sneaker package. This contest made a lucky 200 contestants win a free pair of this package and 20 other lucky contestants win free tickets to a NBA Staple Center game. This a major example of Online Sales Promotion and after these sneakers were released to the public,the hype was enough to make them sold out on the first day and bring heavy traffic to Nike also held another contest in which people can utilize Nike iD option in order to make the best colorways for the Nike Kobe IV sneakers and the winner will be honored to see Kobe Bryant wear the creation during a NBA game and win free tickets to the game alongside a autographed pair of the sneakers. Nike also uses Personal Selling to increase the amount of loyalty between customers so sales can increase. The members of are sometimes put on to certain products that are limited because of their loyalty towards being customers and members of their brand and site.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nike Product Concept and Managing Products

The product of Nike can be classified as a consumer product. People use Nike products for various reasons. Customers buy sneakers to satisfy their want for comfortable shoes for different lifestyles.Nike have crossed into various product lines starting from the Early 1980's to include sneakers to serve other sports instead of marketing to Running. Nike sells Sneakers to Basketball,Baseball,Football,Soccer,Running,Golf,Casual,etc; which goes over their basic product line depth. Nike doesn't only sell sneakers but they also sell clothing that includes Jeans,Shirts,Sweaters,Hats,Sport Accessories; which goes over their basic product mix width. Nike trademark is their Big Check that is located on every single product they sell. Nike have used many recent technology advances in order to create new products to sell to their existing and new customers. Nike have collaborated with Apple to create sensors that are able to fit inside the sole of many Nike Running shoes,in order to track their Workout and Training. This Nike+ Ipod Sensor is compatible with many Nike running shoes because Nike have started to cut out a portion of the inside of the Nike Running shoe in order to make it fit perfectly inside the shoe.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nike and Retailing.

Nike have made a fortune on the activities of the Retailing section in Business. Their Retail business helps Nike to distribute their products to many customers and unwary customers. I have took a trip to NikeTown in Midtown Manhattan and a Couple of Footlockers and Mom and Pop stores. These stores all use the power of visual images to lure customers into trying out Nike products. The NikeTown store promotes its Nike Check Logo throughout the store and uses vivid colors and artwork in their sneaker displays. They do this to make the customer think its not just a sneaker buts it is life and art. The Niketown store is a example of a Chain store and also Footlocker. Footlocker does the same thing with their products but Footlocker sells other brands as well but their main product that generates the most money is Nike because of its great performance and variety.The numerous Mom and Pop stores that i have visited in the Fulton Mall in Brooklyn,NY area that sells Nike products also use the Nike Check Logo to let Nike customers know what is inside their store,Mom and pops stores are a example of a independent retailer and they are also known for lowered retailing prices on their products.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nike and its Consumer Decision Making

Nike shoe products follows Consumer Decision making process in order to make customers purchase their products. Nike uses its Air technology to satisfy the need recognition and information search. The "Air" technology is basically a bubble of Gas which contains pressurized gas encapsulated in polyurethane. This technology brings comforting soles in every pair of Nike shoe and every shoe customer needs comfort. The feature of allows people to leave reviews on each pair of shoe sold and this is used by new customers to determine whether the shoe is good or not based on comfort and sizing.These reviews are left by the customers of the actual shoe so this satisfies the Nonmarketing controlled information source. Nike uses television ads during popular sport events and magazine ads on popular sport magazines to promote their products whic hstasfies marketing controlled information source. Nike produces many varieties of sneakers based on performance purposes ,fashion style, and prices which makes the customer able to have a alternative within the Nike Brand. With all these options available for the customer of a Nike product,the chances of receiving a product that doesnt satisfy their want and needs is very low.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nike and Global Marketing.

The size of Nike company is so great,they are able to sell their products throughout many countries in this world. Nike have more then 700 shops in this world that sells their sport products. Nike also have offices located in 45 countries. Nike mainly use factories outside of North America because of the availability of materials and resources they are able to use for their products.