Monday, October 25, 2010

Nike Product Concept and Managing Products

The product of Nike can be classified as a consumer product. People use Nike products for various reasons. Customers buy sneakers to satisfy their want for comfortable shoes for different lifestyles.Nike have crossed into various product lines starting from the Early 1980's to include sneakers to serve other sports instead of marketing to Running. Nike sells Sneakers to Basketball,Baseball,Football,Soccer,Running,Golf,Casual,etc; which goes over their basic product line depth. Nike doesn't only sell sneakers but they also sell clothing that includes Jeans,Shirts,Sweaters,Hats,Sport Accessories; which goes over their basic product mix width. Nike trademark is their Big Check that is located on every single product they sell. Nike have used many recent technology advances in order to create new products to sell to their existing and new customers. Nike have collaborated with Apple to create sensors that are able to fit inside the sole of many Nike Running shoes,in order to track their Workout and Training. This Nike+ Ipod Sensor is compatible with many Nike running shoes because Nike have started to cut out a portion of the inside of the Nike Running shoe in order to make it fit perfectly inside the shoe.

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